Guided Ski Tours Every Sunday – Garnet Hill

Guided Ski Tours Every Sunday – Garnet Hill

Guided Ski Tours Every Sunday – Garnet Hill

The area around Garnet Hill Lodge in North River is rich with wilderness and backcountry ski routes. In association with The Upper Hudson Trails Alliance, Garnet Hill Lodge will be conducting guided backcountry ski tours every Sunday (weather and snow conditions permitting) on the trails in the Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area and beyond.  Click the Flyer left for a bigger version

When Sundays in Jan, Feb. and March 2019. Meet 9 AM, Depart 10 AM from the Garnet Hill Ski Shop, North River

Who Can Go? Any proficient alpine or cross country skiers (snowplow turning and stopping). Kids with adults are fine.
Equipment? Rugged backcountry ski equipment is required – available for rent at Garnet Hill. Usually any metal edge ski with either 75mm (3 pins) binding, NNN-BC, or Salomon Back Country Bindings. No light touring equipment allowed.

What Else To Bring a Day pack with extra clothing, gloves, hat, sunglasses, lunch or snacks, water, & personal items.

Cost and Duration Cost is free to Garnet Hill Lodge Guests and season pass holders. All others pay for a trail pass at Garnet Hill (Adults $20 – you can ski at GH after the Tour). Tours are on easier terrain and mostly will return by 1-2PM.

Reservations/Info Call the Garnet Hill Ski Shop at 518-251-2150 to reserve a spot or for additional information.

Garnet Hill XC-Ski Center

Garnet Hill Lodge
39 Garnet Hill Road
North River, NY 12856
518-251-2444 | 518-251-2150